
Porch cut-away Studded Wall West  F8 Balcony (top view) F16
Runner Detail  F2 Studded Wall East  F9 Fastener Detail F17
Sub-floor detail 1  F3 Floor Plan  F10 Column Finish Detail F18
Sub floor (side)  F4 Railing Specs F11 East Wall Cut F19
Floor Detail 2  F5 Upper Column F12 Support Column (outer)
Drainage Channel  F6 Plumbing F13 Support Column (center)
Downspout Detail  F7 Electrical F14 Beam Construction
Wall Removal F15

Wall anchors are 3/8s" lag bolts with lead shields epoxied into cement wall.  The shields are recessed into the wall about 1/2" and are 5/8s" in diameter.


The steel "L" bracket is held to the beam by the bolt going thru the joist support.



One Mean Beam

     The arrow is pointed to the ledge that I'd mentioned earlier after removing a some of the floor a couple weeks ago.  More recently, when measuring to cut the beam, I discovered this second ledge that the joist end is setting on.  That means this west wall, the part that's connected to the Judd building is much thicker than first realized...and changes the measurement that I'd taken downstairs.  This probably means that the divider wall (corridor wall) is indeed exactly over the downstairs wall.   (Below) I wanted to fit the beam in for maximum strength, so the cuts on the ends needed to be complex, but as you see....no prob.
Checking the fit before cutting the other two beams.

They fit together well.  I cut the plywood to match.  That means maximum strength on the protruding ends.

Ready for the last section of this beam, but this weekend it's too cold to glue, but Monday should be back to 60 degrees.




At left, you see the angle.  A long way to make the 4x4 plumb.  I banged on it a couple times with my 2.5 Lb. sledge and decided that was not the answer.  You know I like using my "Come-A-Long" (below).

I used a couple of the 2x12s, and screwed the top together with a 2x4 and set them against the wall.  A couple feet has to be cut off one end anyway for the 14ft. spans.  Below you see how I hooked on the 'come-a-long.

To the left, the temporary support is nearly plumb.  With all the popping and settling, I decided I'd let the lumber set a couple days before going the last bit.  Below you can see how level the floor is now, about a quarter inch to go. 

I don't know if I'll put my floor jack under it to raise it a little more when putting the steel column in, or just let it drop down a tad and make the steel column 3/8s shorter.  I don't like that idea, but it depends on how well these existing support beams settle into place.  I think if I just weld the top plate, then weld the bottom plate after the pole is put in place, I won't have to raise the ceiling more than another 1/4 inch to get the poles is.

The new 2x12s are drying nicely, and I can start gluing them together Monday, or maybe even over the weekend.


Remember the string line was 1-5/8s over the floor.  That is a long way to go!

I have tweaked my back a little.   Not from the job, but from moving the 100Lb. 2x12s around (dragging them upstairs and I had to move them around the floor here to get the A-frame in the right place.  Just a minor pain, so I'll be careful.